I met a past international director who explained the Toastmasters development strategies of Asian countries – they hold the record for growth. 我遇到一位前任国际理事,他告诉我有关亚洲演讲会发展的历程,他们保有这些历程的完成记录。
Paul Johnson, international managing director for LDC, said it also planned to open offices in mainland China and India in the next two to three years. ldc国际业务董事总经理保罗约翰逊(pauljohnson)表示,该公司还计划于未来两三年在中国内地和印度开设办事处。
International Department Director Nguyen Thi Bich : Decision No.36 sets up a schedule for establishing the ASEAN preferential import tariffs for our Partners. 国际部主任阮氏璧:第36号决定设立东盟构建为我们的合作伙伴的优惠进口关税的时间表。
The international sales director our company hired last year has a lot of street smarts that help us to overcome our overseas distribution problems. 公司去年聘请的国际销售主管实战经验丰富,有助于我们解决海外分销问题。
Massey University International Office Director Bruce Graham said the chaff cover is in " extremely poor taste ". however, he accepted chaff has editorial independence. 梅西大学国际学生办公室主任布鲁斯-格雷姆说,《玩笑》的封面低级庸俗。不过他说,《玩笑》杂志有编辑自主权。