Severe weather conditions hindered the rescue. 风雨交加的天气妨碍了营救。
Warfare, terrorist activity, attacks on leaders, dramatic geophysical events, and severe weather can be expected. 我们可以预期战争、恐怖分子活动、攻击领袖、重大的地球物理事件和恶劣天气(SW)。
Sea-level rise and more severe weather are likely to undermine these irreplaceable historic sites. 海平面上升和更恶劣的天气有可能破坏这些不可替代的历史遗迹。
Forecasters say the storm system is moving eastward and more severe weather can be expected. 预报人员说,该风暴体系正在朝东移去,未来天气将会更恶劣。
The painting has survived centuries of war and severe weather. 这幅画在经历了几百年的战争和严峻天气下保存了下来。