If the liquid level goes up, it raises the pressure down here. 当液面升高的时候,这里的压强就增加了。
Ariel, you're under a lot of pressure down here. 艾莉儿,你的压力太大了。
Fire due to fire hydrant water, and pipe network under pressure down to a pressure P1 when the value of P4, start the main fire pumps supply water to meet fire safety requirements and pressures. 消防时,因消火栓出水量大,管网压力下降到P1以下某个压力值P4时,启动主消防水泵供给满足消防要求的用水量和压力。
What we also learned is that it is not so important which drug you use but the most important thing is to get the blood pressure down to a safe level. 我们也知道使用哪种药物并不重要,最重要的是将血压降(PD)至安全水平。
At the same time of measuring production value, flow pressure down hole is acquired. 应用该技术录取油井产量的同时,可以录取井底流压资料。