We're gonna play straight man-to-man pressure defense. 我们就要打人盯人紧逼防守。
It is more practical and the main tendency that the group defense formed by follow-up defense and pressure defense, and also multi-point attack and combination attack are fulfilled. 运用补防和夹击形成的集体防守战术与多点进攻、内外结合的进攻战术更趋实用,是本赛季攻防战术的主流趋势。
Accurate prediction of air temperature and air pressure for economic development and national defense construction is of great significance. 准确的气温气压预测对于经济发展和国防建设都有着重要的意义。
The most recent sanctions aim to put even broader pressure on the energy, finance and defense sectors of the Russian economy. 最新制裁措施目的旨在给俄罗斯的能源、金融和国防企业施加更全面的压力。
Under the selective pressure of bats, nocturnal moths have evolved many adaptive traits to defense and evade bats. 在蝙蝠回声定位的选择压力下,夜间活动的蛾类进化出一系列防御、逃避等适应性特征。