Located in Belgium with contact information, registration details, event description and a picture gallery. 与联系信息,登记细节,事件描述和一个图画画廊在比利时定位了。
For art lovers, The Old Picture Gallery(PG) houses a wonderful collection of Old Masters. 对艺术的爱好者,「旧画画廊」收藏了十八世纪之前的大师级名画;
One night, awakened by the odor of smoke, he discovered that his picture gallery was on fire. 有一天夜里,他被浓烟熏醒,发现他的绘画陈列室起了火。
The paintings in the collections bought by me during the years were never assembled for private purposes but solely for the establishment of a picture gallery in my home town of Linz on the danube. 我这些年来所购置的藏画从来没有打算作为私藏,而完全是为了在我的故乡多瑙河畔的林茨建立画廊之用。
The picture gallery, and two or three of the principal bedrooms, were all that remained to be shewn. 剩下来只有画室和两三间主要的寝室要指给他们看了。