Component is used to show how to give the user visible warning on a control that does not validate to the correct data type. 组件用于演示对于经验证不是正确数据类型的控件,如何为用户给出可见警告。
The control software is programmed with the object oriented language-VB and provides the user with a visible control interface so that users operate the hardware and analyze the scanning results easily. 控制软件采用面向对象编程语言VB编制,为用户提供了可视化控制界面,方便用户控制硬件并对扫描结果进行分析。
With the Internet related technologies become more sophisticated, there are many rich online databases in the Web. Web databases contain information for the user is not visible, called Deep Web. 随着Internet相关技术的日益成熟,Web上积累了大量的在线数据库,其中所蕴含的信息对于用户来说是不可见的,称之为deepweb。
Any changes made to the message assembly by a user exit will be visible to subsequent user exits. 用户出口对消息组装做出的任何更改都将对后续的用户出口可见。
The scope of a per-user variable is set to be visible in " All tests for this user," which makes it visible to all tests being executed by the same virtual user. 前用户变量的范围被设置为在“Alltestsforthisuser”中可见,这使得它对相同虚拟用户所执行的所有测试可见。