On the master race you need good aim and poor judgement. 你能看到很明显的目标,不需要多做判断的。
He later blamed his poor judgement on Jet Lag. 他后来把自己在谈判中判断失误归咎于时差综合症。
The lowering of your body's core temperature below normal can lead to poor judgement and confusion, loss of consciousness and death-even in summer! 即使在夏季,体温低于正常值也将会导致判断力下降,思维混乱,昏厥甚至死亡!
Poor judgement is the obstacle of the development of singing. 没有正确的判断,将会影响歌唱的发展。
In addition, because of their poor observation, judgement, less times of assistant attack and excellent pass. 并且观察、判断能力差,助攻、妙传球的次数不多。