So, I integrated the " Ye have something to say " content, urban female radio forum, semi-structured interview as a whole, using qualitative research methods and literature for a combination of consolidation and writing papers. 为此,笔者综合了《叶文有话要说》节目内容、都市女性广播论坛(RF)、半结构化的访谈内容为一体,运用定性研究方法与文献资料相结合的方式进行论文的综合整理和撰写。
The SCA is the mandatory standards for JTRS and has also been accepted by Software Define Radio Forum(RF) and Object Management Group ( OMG ). SCA既是针对JTRS系统的强制标准,同时也被软件定义无线电论坛(SDR)和对象管理组织(OMG)接受,并逐渐成为商用软件无线电的体系结构标准。