He could win the game here with a long fly ball. 他可以在这儿用一个长高飞球(FB)赢得比赛。
Fire a ball at a batter. a sacrifice made by hitting a long fly ball. 向击球员猛掷一个球打一个长线飞球(FB)的击球。
First, I sprinted into a cast-iron lamppost while chasing a fly ball in a park in Washington; I actually saw a chorus line of stars dance before my eyes as I crumpled to the ground. 首先,在华盛顿一个公园追逐一个高飞球(FB)时,我奋力跃起撞上了铸铁灯柱;当我倒在地上时,真的看到一排星星在我眼前飞舞。
Loewen pitched a perfect sixth and allowed a leadoff double in the seventh, but he struck out two batters and ended his night on a fly ball. 罗文第六局表现完美,第七局被击出二垒安打,在三振两人之后以一个高飞球(FB)结束了他今晚的工作。
Bob was so angry that he let fly the ball in his hand at me. 鲍勃非常生气,用手里的球朝我打来。