A forum member who has been around the forums here for a while who we would trust to moderate and who would be willing to devote a bit of time pretty much daily to moderate the board. 接下来就是要找一个时间充足,又有足够能力和责任心的人来当版主。可以发帖来征集一下大家的意见。
The General Assembly is the unique world forum where all Member States are represented. 大会是代表所有会员国的独特的世界论坛。
She was a founder member of the Burma Forum and a board member with the US Campaign for Burma. 她是国际‘缅甸论坛’的创始成员,并是美国‘缅甸运动’的董事会成员。
Call your friends and join us! Come to the forum to register as a member! 叫上你的朋友们加入本组!来论坛一起讨论!
To define the associations, select the Association button and click the source ( Forum ) and the target ( Member ). 为定义关联,我们可以选中关联按钮,然后单击关联的源(Forum)和目标(Member)。