The new defect mode structure of flat-panel doping photonic crystal is obtained. 得出了一些不同于一维非受限掺杂光子晶体缺陷模的新特征。
The mode and defect mode of electromagnetic wave in flat-panel doping photonic crystal is studied by the characteristic matrix method. 利用特征矩阵法研究了一维平板掺杂光子晶体中电磁波的模式及其缺陷模特性。
The worth biggest and FWHM of defect mode up with the increment of the optical thickness of doping. 滤波通道的峰值和半高宽都随吸收杂质的光学厚度的增加而减小。
Inclusions trapped in point defect mode are commonly in small size and not easy to be analyzed. 点缺陷型包裹体体积一般较小,不方便分析;
And the space defect mode is difficult to form inclusions. 体缺陷型包裹体由于难以形成因而数量很少。