I sneaked a look at the clock, hoping it would soon be time for Charlotte to go, and began to stack up my cards : black queen on red king; 我偷偷瞅了一眼钟,希望Charlotte离开的时间不会太久了,然后开始整理手上的扑克:黑桃皇后在红桃王上面;
A framed print of the photograph is perched on a nearby table, with black and white images of the Queen's late parents, King George VI and the Queen Mother. 这张相片被放进相框摆放在旁边的桌子上,旁边还有女王已故双亲(英王乔治六世和王后)的黑白相片。
George, a reactionary from North Ireland, comes to Hong Kong with his girlfriend Black Rose, planning to assassinate the Queen. 另一方面,北爱尔兰暴力份子乔志带同女助手黑玫瑰来港,策划行刺女皇之阴谋。
Lightsome sway, or apeak drag ground moving finery, is every woman heart of dreams, fantastical wear black dress, the princess is high growth for beautiful queen. 轻盈摇曳的、或是垂坠曳地的动人华服,是每个女人心中不灭的梦想,穿上如梦似幻的高贵黑色礼服,公主就成长为美丽的女王。
The Black Cat Biological characteristics and cultivating techniques of American plums Queen 皇后黑李生物学特征特性及其栽培技术