Can I apply for a personal mail box at the post office? 我可以申请一个邮局的私人信箱吗?
Would you send your email to me through your personal email box? 你下次给我写信能不能用你个人的邮箱?
Personal gear box design system based on Solidworks 基于Solidworks的齿轮变速箱个性化设计系统
Television is more prevalent than personal computer in China, so, the Broad-Band media service must develop the terminal from personal terminal to set-top box terminal. 中国的电视机普及率远远高于PC(personalcomputer,个人计算机)机,因此,对于宽带流媒体服务来说,需要进行接入终端的扩展,从现有的PC终端扩展到机顶盒终端。
This function simulator consists of industrial personal computer and signal interface box. 该功能模拟器系统主要由工控机和信号接口箱两部分组成。