Physical album sales have fallen sharply as music retailing has evolved from compact disc sales in shops to digital downloads. 随着音乐零售业从在商店销售CD发展到数码下载,实体专辑的销售额已大幅下降。
The two men had contrasting views of the so-called 360 deals that have become the principal survival strategy for many music companies at a time when compact disc sales are grinding towards extinction. 两人在所谓的360协议上意见针锋相对。在这个CD销售正逐渐消亡的时代,360协议成为了许多音乐公司最主要的生存战略。
The music industry faces another two years of declining compact disc sales that will not be offset by new revenues from music downloads, according to a new report. 一份最新报告指出,未来两年,全球音乐行业的CD销量将继续下滑,音乐下载带来的新收入也无法完全弥补这一影响。
Within the WTO, those industries dependent on intellectual property rights ( IPR ) protection, particularly films and music, have worn themselves hoarse about the feebleness of China's promised clampdown on compact disc and DVD counterfeiters. 虽然中国承诺打击盗版CD和DVD,但在世贸组织内,那些依赖知识产权(IPR)保护的行业,特别是电影和音乐行业,已经喊破了嗓子,称中国打击力度不够。