Containers or zones : In essence, this feature allows for the ability to have multiple virtual operating systems running inside of one kernel instance of Solaris. 容器或区:这个特性允许在一个Solaris内核实例中运行多个虚拟操作系统。
Virtualization technology allows multiple virtual machines with different operating systems to run independent parallel operation on the same physical machine. 虚拟化技术允许具有不同操作系统的多个虚拟机在同一物理机上独立地并行地运行。
Cooperative diversity is a new spatial diversity, which enables multiple users to share their antennas and generate a virtual MIMO channels to reap some of the benefits of MIMO systems. 协作分集是一种新的空域分集技术,允许多个用户共享彼此的天线,形成虚拟的MIMO信道,获得MIMO技术的优势。