Comparing with France, the water quality management in Chinese water works drops behind on the technology of treatment, the on-line monitoring of water quality and the automatization. 从处理工艺技术、水质监测和水厂自动化三方面对供水企业内水质管理的比较可见,我国主要使用常规处理工艺,水质自动监测、水厂自动化程度低。与法国在这三方面都有较大差距。
According to the actual condition, this paper treats water quality management as study plant, focus on building up water quality prediction models and realizing a decision support system for water quality prediction based on Web technology. 本论文根据现有的实际情况,以河流水质管理为研究对象,以建立相应的水质预测模型为核心,以实现基于WEB技术的水质预测决策支持系统为目的,进行了以下工作。