Chapter V analyzes the four factors imposing influence on the employment of the higher vocational graduates, ie, the employment system, the education orientation, the education facilities, and the view on employment. 第五章从就业体制、办学定位、办学条件与就业观等四个方面对影响广东高职院校毕业生就业因素进行分析。
However, in Chapter V there are four sample banks in the average maturity of assets and liabilities of the larger difference between the average maturity date, assets, liabilities underscores the maturity mismatch. 但是,论文第五章在长时间窗口下得出相反的结论。四家样本银行的资产平均到期日与负债平均到期日相差较大,资产、负债期限错配情况突出。
Data were evaluated before and after A V fistula compression. Four parameters of cardiac functions were measured in same case, at same time. 由于在按压动静脉瘘管(AVF)前后分别测量了左心功能各参数,故在较短时间内实现了对同一心脏四种不同负荷情况的心功能研究。
Even if in the circumstance of stabilized sewage sludge with soil at 1:1 ( V / V ), the content of this four kinds of heavy metal in infiltration still did not exceed the criterion of water quality in farm irrigation. 即使在粉煤灰钝化污泥与土壤以1:1体积比的高施用量情况下,其渗滤水中这四种重金属的含量仍未超过农田灌溉水质标准。
The V and V activities, which were executed in the four stages of feasibility research, system design, code development and system integration and regulation, are briefly introduced. 文章简要地介绍了在可行性研究、系统设计、程序开发和系统合成及调试等四个阶段执行的检验鉴定计划的工作内容。