Study of waiting queue problem in commercial bank based on Monte Carlo Simulation 基于蒙特卡洛模拟的商业银行排队问题研究
B & The average number of kernel threads that are in the virtual memory waiting queue over your sampling interval. b&采样期间在虚拟内存中等待队列(WQ)的平均内核线程数。
A signal sent in the backward direction to indicate that the call has been placed in a waiting queue because the called subscriber is busy but has the camp on facility. 有被叫用户指示器的电话局反向发送的一种信号,表示呼叫已排入等待队列(WQ)(因为被叫用户忙,但装有预占设备)。
Furthermore, we give the analytical expression of the waiting queue length and waiting time of the arrival customers when all of the servers are busy, and also prove the conditional stochastic decomposition properties of them. 此外,给出了两个服务员均忙时,系统中等待队长和到达顾客等待时间的解析表达式,并证明了其条件随机分解特性。
This paper proposes a way which combines TCP Proxy with the ACK waiting queue to filter DDoS TCP Flooding attacks, and implements it within the Linux kernel. 该文提出了一种TCPProxy与待响应ACK队列相结合的、能够对TCP绝拒服务攻击进行有效过滤的方法,并用这种方法在Linux内核中实现了一个高速过滤器。