Stopping wild poliovirus transmission in endemic countries : Polio today is more geographically restricted than ever before. 阻断流行国家中野生脊灰病毒的传播:脊髓灰质炎如今在地域上受到的限制比以往任何时候都更大。
Prior to these cases, wild poliovirus has not been found in Yemen since AFP surveillance commenced in1996. 在这些病例之前,自1996年开始急性弛缓性麻痹监测以来在也门未发现野生脊髓灰质炎病毒(WPV)。
The findings of the investigation suggest a recent introduction of wild poliovirus. 调查结果表明野生脊髓灰质炎病毒(WPV)的最近传入。
Two weeks ago, I visited Afghanistan and Pakistan, two of the four remaining countries where indigenous transmission of wild poliovirus has not yet been interrupted. 两个星期以前,我出访阿富汗和巴基斯坦,即尚未阻断野生脊灰病毒本地传播的剩余四个国家中的两个。
We need to interrupt endemic transmission of wild poliovirus in limited areas within just four countries and a few other areas that have been reinfected. 我们只需要在四个国家的有限地区以及重新被感染的其它少数地区阻断野生脊灰病毒的地方性传播。