The WHO and its partners have also put in place an Internet-based alert mechanism in the Western Pacific Region(WPR). 世界卫生组织及其伙伴也在西太平洋地区(WPR)建立了一个基于互联网的预警机制。
The disease occurs mainly in the rural and agricultural areas of Asia and the Western Pacific region. 日本脑炎主要流行于亚洲及西太平洋地区(WPR)的郊外及农村。
In2011, the WHO Western Pacific Region(WPR) also suffered an importation of poliovirus. 2011年,世卫组织西太平洋区域也发生一例输入性脊灰病例。
Dr Shin's four priority areas of work in the Western Pacific Region(WPR) are as follows. 申博士在西太平洋区域的四大重点工作领域如下。
We ask Member States of the World Health Organization Western Pacific Region(WPR) to sponsor this resolution and take responsibility for placing it on the agenda and bringing it into the discussion. 我们要求世界卫生组织西太平洋地区(WPR)成员国支持这项决议,并负责将其列入议程,提请讨论。