This will build all of the perl binaries and libraries into a temporary blib directory. 这将所有perl二进制文件和库构建到临时blib目录中。
And when they build all this stuff. 他们在这里建这些东西。
NOTE : Click the Build All(BA) button if you have more than one feature for this update site. 注意:如果该更新站点有不止一个特性,那么请单击BuildAll按钮。
You build this diagram as you build all the code for this application. 在建立该程序的所有代码时建立这个图。
It has cost a lot of money to build all these bridges and tunnels, and it took years to complete them. Many lives were lost during the building. 建造这些桥梁和隧道花费了大量的金钱和数年时间。很多人在建筑的过程中失去了生命。