I buy Unbleached Flour from the local health food store. 我从当地健康食品店买了未增白的面粉。
You can buy it in any health food store. 你可以在任何健康食品店买到它。
You might find some in your phone book, at your local health food store, natural food store. 你的电话簿中也许能找到一些,地方食品店,天然食品店。
Josh : I own a health food store in San Francisco. 乔西:我在旧金山经营一家健康食品店。
Mila has used many organic creams and lotions as her regeneration began to fail that were available upon the health food store shelves. 当再生开始失败的时候,Mila已经使用了多种在健康食品店中买得到的有机霜和乳液。