A user who logs into a Web application should not have direct access to the messaging provider, as it could give them the ability to bypass the application's business logic. 登录到Web应用程序的用户不应具有直接访问消息传递提供程序的权限,因为如果这样做,他们就可以绕过应用程序的业务逻辑。
But if the Web service itself is providing access to sensitive information, then the Web service provider needs to authenticate each client, too. 但是如果Web服务本身提供敏感信息的访问,那么Web服务提供者还是需要验证每个客户。
Access to the WSDL of the notification listener service can be provided when the provider's web service is deployed or at runtime by passing a reference to the WSDL on the initial request. 通过在初始请求上传递WSDL的引用可以在提供者的Web服务被部署时或运行时提供对通知侦听器服务的WSDL的访问权。
The service provider uses the management UI to control access to the Web service. 服务提供者使用管理UI来控制对Web服务的访问。
The service provider is the business that provides access to the Web service and publishes the service description in a service registry. 服务提供者是提供对Web服务进行访问并在注册表中发布服务描述的企业。