Several people buttonholed television reporters to explain to them their reasons for not voting. 几个人拉住电视台记者非要向他们解释自己不投票(NV)的理由。
You think I 'm not voting for the sister? 你认为我没选那个女的?
On the streets of West Jerusalem, some people like this man say they thought about not voting. 在西耶路撒冷的街道上,有些人说,他们考虑不投票(NV),比如这名男士。
Eight years ago I caught flak from my wife for not voting; I tried pointing out the minuscule impact of a single vote ( mine ). 8年前,我因为没投票而受到了妻子的指责,而我试图以(我的)一张选票影响甚微为自己辩解。
They said they would not be voting for him because he was too left-wing. 他们说不会投他的票,因为他思想太左。