And while he was doing that, your wolf pack blasted the convoy. 在他做这些的时候,你们的狼群(WP)消灭了护航者。
In this post, there are photos of two episodes of a wolf pack hunting for an elk, wildlife researcher shot it from a helicopter. 这是野生动物研究者在直升飞机上拍摄的照片,由两个情节构成,第一个驼鹿不怎么运气结局悲惨,第二只则和狼群(WP)形成了僵持的局面。
THIS was Chen's second encounter with a wolf pack since coming to the grassland. 这是陈阵在草原上第二次遇到大狼群(WP)。
In the shadow of an abandoned castle, a wolf pack seeks shelter. 在一个被遗弃的城堡的影子,一群狼寻求庇护。
By being accepted into a wolf pack, Shaun hopes to prove that man can live in harmony with wolves as long as he respects their ways. 在确定进入狼群(WP)时,Shaun希望来证明人可以和狼一起和谐的生活只要他尊重它们的生活方式。