The period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms is the second epoch of breaking up in Chinese history since the Emperor Qin the First making the Country unify. 五代十国时期是自秦始皇统一中国以后的第二次大分裂时期,而各国惩贪不力,使得官员的贪污舞弊也已达到惊人的程度。
The first period started from the Pliocene Epoch, the second from the early Pleistocene Epoch, the third from the late Pleistocene Epoch, and forth from the Recent Epoch. 第一期火山活动始于上新世,第二期火山活动为早更新世,第三期火山活动为晚更新世,第四期火山活动为全新世。
The second phase is from late Yanshan epoch to now, during this period the main movement is sedimentary water migration from deep to upper formation laterally and vertically with smaller hydraulic power. 第二阶段为燕山晚期&现今,主要表现为沉积水自深部向浅部的侧向和垂向运动,但流体动力强度较小。
In the second part, I think the MetaPhysics of Weijin Epoch ( MWE ) is Dualism based on the antinomy between mind and matter. 在第二部分,本文认为,玄学是心物二元论哲学,其深层矛盾是本体与现象、认识与对象的心物二元对立。
The second field is the date and time in seconds since the epoch. 第二个字段是日期和时间(自epoch以来的秒数)。