He's the congressman from western colorado. 他是西部科罗拉多的议员。
A city of western Colorado at the junction of the Gunnison and Colorado rivers near the Utah border. 大强克逊美国科罗拉多州西部(WC)城市,位于犹他州边界附近甘尼森河与科罗拉多河的交汇处。
Having distinct longitudinal stripes : of Colorado Plateau from Arizona to western Colorado. 身上有明显的纵向条纹;产于从亚利桑那到科罗拉多西部的科罗拉多高原。
Quaking aspens like these in the Elk Mountains of western Colorado, whose leaves tremble in the slightest wind, are common across North America. 像这些在科罗拉多州西部(WC)的美洲赤鹿山颤动的杨树在整个北美非常普遍。它们的叶子会在微风中颤抖。
Wild aster having leafy stems and flower heads with narrow bright reddish-lavender or purple rays; western Colorado to arizona. 一种野生紫苑,头状花序,有淡紫红色或紫色边花;产自科罗拉多至亚利桑那州。