Virtual Reality is a man-made media space which is copied or created by people depending on computer technology, sensors technology and simulation technology. 虚拟现实技术是人们借助于计算机技术、传感器技术、仿真技术等仿造和创造的人工媒体空间。
By analyzing the reasons for the great success achieved by Japanese I-MODE and its drawbacks, this paper claims that I-MODE can not be copied but referred by Chinese mobile media whether it is concerned with technology or enterprise mode. 分析了日本I-MODE取得巨大成功的原因和不足之处,指出无论是从技术上还是从企业模式上,手机媒体在中国的发展都不可能直接拷贝I-MODE模式,只能以I-MODE为借鉴。