Site Framework objects are the " site map " of the Web site. SiteFramework对象是Web站点的“站点地图”。
Directly support object data remote transmission in internal framework, also support various forms of data objects transmission services, such as Web Service, Remoting, WCF and other transmission services. 4. 在框架内部直接支持对象数据远程传输,而且支持多种形式的数据对象传输服务,比如WEBService,WCF,Remoting等传输服务。
It also defines a flexible framework that stores and restores Persistent Objects for Web pages. 同时,这种机制也给Web页面对象的存储和再存储提供了灵活的框架。
This means the framework must get the data from the JavaBean objects and include it into the HTML form when a Web page is requested. 这意味着当Web页面被请求时,框架必须从JavaBean对象获取数据并将其包含到HTML表单中。
The key point is that Content objects are grouped in Site Frameworks and each Content object in a Web site is assigned to at least one Site Area. 关键点是在SiteFramework中组合内容对象,Web站点中的每个内容对象都被分配给至少一个SiteArea。