It concluded that " the tests are sold and used in disease-endemic countries, without evidence of effectiveness ". 该研究得出结论说:“这些在结核病流行的国家销售和使用的测试没有关于有效性的证据”。
Remarkably, they do this without evidence that the advice actually opens any doors at the most selective colleges. 值得注意的是,他们这样做没有证据(WOEV)表明,在选择性的高校方面,实际的建议打开了所有的门。
Can't arrest them without evidence, so we watch them. 没有证据(WOEV)不能逮捕人,所以我们要监视。
Nothing is real without evidence. 没有证据(WOEV)什么都不真实。
Clinical studies of squalene-containing vaccines have been performed in infants and neonates without evidence of safety concerns. 含角鲨烯疫苗已在婴儿和新生儿中开展了临床研究,并未发现安全性问题。