The results indicate that power function fits well to the advances of horizontal wet front and ponding water area with time under the condition of sufficient water supply; 研究结果表明,在充分供水条件下,水平湿润锋和积水(PW)锋面随时间的推进符合幂函数关系;
Finally, the infiltration process and the depth of ponding water under various daily rainfall with different frequency have been calculated, and the utilization potential of rainfall in flood season and corresponding field planning have been discussed. 本文对不同频率日降雨的入渗和积水(PW)深度等进行了计算,对雨洪利用潜力及应该相应采取的田间工程措施进行了论述。
Infiltration from point sources can be classified as two categories based on ponding and un ponding water. 点源入渗可分为非充分供水点源入渗和充分供水点源入渗两大类。
In order to solve the ponding problem at water intaking in feed pumps, the author analyses the cause and introduces backwashing installment to keep draining pumps running safely. 为解决泵站技术供水泵取水口易堵的问题,盐官枢纽针对技术供水泵取水难分析原因,采用安装反冲装置的方法,实现取水畅通的效果,保证了排涝泵的安全运行。