Firstly, I introduced the origin of the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary(BVM) and its early development briefly. 首先,简要介绍了圣母崇拜的起源和早期的发展情况。
Madonna ( the Blessed Virgin Mary(BVM) ), one of the important figures in Christian theology, is widely worshiped in the Middle Ages Europe. 圣母玛利亚(BVM)是基督教神学中的一位重要人物,在中世纪的欧洲广受崇拜。
The western scholars have already done comparatively systematic research on the Blessed Virgin Mary(BVM), and have made fruitful achievements. 西方学者已经从不同角度对圣母崇拜进行了较为系统的研究,并取得了卓有成效的成就。
The female subject is the main form of the early Christian art, which includes the female Christian image, the blessed virgin Mary image and the classical goddess image. 女性题材是早期基督教美术中的主要图式,它包括女信徒形象、圣母形象与女神形象。