Answer : basis " rules of Shanghai Labor contract " concerned regulation, the regards establish of working hours unit as working relationship with the hour agreement that be not full-time labor contract is laborer and agreement of unit of choose and employ persons. 答:根据《上海市劳动合同条例》的有关规定,非全日制劳动合同是劳动者与用人单位约定的以小时作为工作时间单位确立劳动关系的协议。
Looking back at the personnel system of education departments, it can be concluded that the working relationship in schools is coming in the direction of market and agreement but there are no relevant regulations or laws to bind this process. 纵观教育系统这些年来的人事制度的情况,可以肯定,学校劳动关系市场化、契约化的趋势日益彰显,但目前缺乏法源性、规范性法律文件对教师聘任合同予以规范。
The WTO Working Group on the relationship between Trade and Investment discussed the issue of the possibility of establishment of a new Multilateral Investment Agreement under the framework of WTO in recent years. 在WTO贸易与投资关系工作组内,WTO成员方近年来就是否应当在WTO框架下制订新的多边投资协议(MIA)进行了广泛讨论,最终因为各方意见分歧而使立法建议停留在探讨阶段。
Working relationship both sides removes after labor concerns, explain labor contract deadline has been stopped," labor law " deadline of contract of labor of the20th regulation is bilateral and voluntary agreement, and appeal deadline is legal. 劳动关系双方解除劳动关系后,说明劳动合同期限已经终止,《劳动法》第20条规定劳动合同期限是双方自愿约定的,而申诉期限是法定的。