A novel test method of time delay integration ( TDI ) function for infrared focal plane array CMOS readout circuits was proposed. 给出了一种新颖的红外焦平面CMOS读出电路TDI功能的测试方法。
Here, we introduce you a special linear area CCD camera which use Time Delay Integration(TDI) ( TDI ) technique to provide high sensitivity, high speed, high spatial resolution and wide dynamic range performance under low light condition. 这里,我们介绍一种特殊的线阵CCD相机,它应用时间延迟积分(TDI)技术,可在低光照情况下,获得高灵敏度、高输出速率、高空间分辨率和大的动态范围。
Therefore, on the one hand, it is necessary to conduct the stability analysis of the influence of time delay combining integration algorithms. On the other hand, the satisfactory stability performance of implicit mid point is proven in this thesis. 因此,一方面可以肯定结合逐步积分算法分析时滞影响的必要性,另一方面证明了隐式中点法具有良好的稳定性。
The paper introduces status and development in TDI CCD ( Time Delay and Integration Charge Coupled Device ), as well as the fundamental 、 working 、 structure 、 variety 、 application of TDI CCD. 本文介绍了TDICCD(时间延迟积分电荷耦合器件)的现状及发展,TDICCD的基本原理、工作方式、结构、分类及应用情况。
A fuzzy internal model controller for time delay with integration 带积分作用的模糊内模时滞控制器