The revised policy affects many parents in large urban centres, where the cost of bearing an extra child, in terms of both time and money, has become prohibitive. 修订后的政策影响许多生活在大城市的父母,生育二胎的时间和经济成本使他们望而却步。
Under the relaxation he seeks, couples would be allowed an extra child if only one parent were a singleton, not both. 他申请的松绑是如果夫妻双方有一人为独生子女,就允许生育二胎。
Would you provide an extra bed for my child? 你们可以为我的孩子提供一张加床吗?
In general one extra bed for one child is available at a minor additional charge. 一般来说一个儿童一张加床只需加付少许费用是可能的。
It will give you the added confidence of knowing that you have taken an extra step to protect your child in today's dangerous, public environments. 它会给你增添决定信念,在此刻如此危险的公共环境里,置信你已采纳额外的步调来庇护你的孩子。