Data quality can make or break an enterprise information management strategy, which in turn determines the success of its business integration strategy. 数据质量将影响企业信息管理策略(IMS)的成功与否,企业信息管理策略(IMS)决定了其业务集成策略的成败。
Secondly, quality control strategy, reengineering strategy, supply chains coordinating strategy, information management strategy, logistics management strategy and human resources management strategy based on supply chains are studied. 在此基础上,对基于供应链的物流管理战略、信息管理战略、质量管理战略、人力资源管理战略、企业重组战略和供应链协调战略进行了研究。
The information researchers in foreign countries began the study at the metaphase of 1970s, but not until the end of 1990s did they begin to study the Information Management and consultation as Support to the SME's Business from the national information management strategy point of view. 国外的情报工作者和研究者在70年代中期开始关注支撑中小企业的信息管理与咨询服务问题的研究,而且在90年代末期,开始在国家信息管理战略的高度研究这一问题。
Based on these problems, the dissertation has put forward the contemporary CAPP information management strategy - PLM-oriented Web-based collaborative process planning. 对此,本论文提出了现代工艺设计信息管理策略(IMS)&面向产品全生命周期的Web协同工艺设计。
The innovation in this article is proposed strategic management of information security management strategy based on summarizing the success of foreign information security management experience and the actual management of information security. 本文的创新点在于归纳总结了国外信息安全管理的成功经验、在分析我国信息安全管理的实际的基础上提出了我国信息安全管理的战略管理策略。