A wounded soldier was carried away from the battle zone with blood streaming from his head. 一名伤兵从战区被抬走了血正从他的头部不断地流出来。
Fleeing residents reported heavy bombings in some villages, and officials say most of those left in the battle zone are militants. 逃跑的居民说,在一些村庄发生了大轰炸。有关官员说,留在战区的大部分人是激进分子。
Launched from ground vehicle or surface ship far away from the battle zone, the UAV flies autonomously to the patrol area. 从远离战争地域的地面车辆或水面舰艇上发射,UAV自主飞行到巡逻区域。
But Doug and his friends quickly learned about the harsh realities of war when they arrived in the battle zone. 然而,道和他的朋友们在踏上战区土地之时就立刻感受到了战争严酷的现实。
They are pulling their troops out of the battle zone. 他们正把部队调离战区。