US spy satellites in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean areas are focused mainly on monitoring North Korea and Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. 美国在印度洋和太平洋地区上空的间谍卫星主要用于监测朝鲜、阿富汗和巴基斯坦北部。
A Diagnosis of Interactions between the Tropical Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean Air-Sea Systems in the Past 20 Years 近20年来热带印度洋与热带太平洋海气系统相互作用特征的诊断研究
Comparing the space-time's characteristic of tropical Indian ocean and Pacific during two different periods, the conclusion is that intensity and frequency of Dipole affairs and El Nino affairs after 1961 is stronger than that before 1961; 对1961年前后两个时期的热带太平洋和热带印度洋的海温时空特征进行分析发现,1961年后的偶极子事件和ELNino事件强度与频率均强于1961年前的;
Concerted Development of Atmosphere-ocean Interaction Events in the Tropical Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean 热带印度洋和太平洋海气相互作用事件的协调发展
Arctic Route is a Sea route, it through the Arctic Ocean, link between Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. 北极航线,是指穿过北冰洋,连接大西洋和太平洋的海上航线。