Tree growing period would be shortened to increase wood resources by application of gene recombination and cytomixis of biological technologies, and by integration of computer, biochemical and electronic technologies. 新世纪中可应用生物技术中基因重组、细胞融合、固定化酶组织等方法,再结合当前计算机、生物化学、电子技术等学科渗入到木材工业后,必将使树木生长期缩短,增加木材资源。
But with the introduction of powerful personal computer and broad electronic networks the co-ordination technologies of the21 century the economic equation changes. 但是,随着功能强大的个人计算机和宽带网的出现,21世纪的合作技术改变了经济模式。
Open and Distance Education is the form of education that use of computer technology, network technology, multimedia technology and two-way electronic communication technologies, and other modern means of information technology. 远程开放教育是指利用计算机技术、网络技术、多媒体技术和双向电子通信技术等现代信息技术手段开展的教育形式。