Investigation of Evaluation Descriptors of Auditory Attribute of Underwater Noise in Chinese Environment 汉语语境下水下噪声听觉属性评价用语研究
It improves the accuracy of attribute selection, overcomes the impact of noise data effectively and strengthened generalization ability of the decision tree. 既提高了属性选择的准确度又有效克服噪声数据的影响,使生成的决策树灵活泛化能力更强。
Set the priority attribute of the root MBean back to ERROR to cut down the noise level. 将根MBean的优先级属性设置回ERROR来减少干扰。
In this thesis, we define a newly pixel attribute in the procedure of the proposed four-step algorithm, by which prominent noise points and edges are significantly distinguished. 本文提出的四步算法通过计算过程定义了一种像素属性(文中称为长度)以将显著噪点和边缘点大幅度地分辨开,从而突破单独使用梯度信息带来的制约。
But it can produce false images when using a single attribute to resolve geological problem because of the limitation in resolution and signal to noise ratio of seismic data. 但由于受地震资料分辨率和信噪比的限制,用一种地震属性去研究地质问题往往容易产生偏差。