It mainly solve the implementation problem of workshop production task aiming at fast response of manufacturing and energy consumption reduction by real-time monitoring and optimization of coordinated control system to logistics and state of equipment. 它主要解决车间生产任务的执行问题,通过对物流和设备状态等进行实时监测与协调优化控制,达到快速响应制造及降低能耗的目的。
Against allopatric product fast design and development need, put forward system structure according to the network environmental of the distributing virtual manufacturing system, and be carried to research on distributing co-operating virtual design environment, its information resources, the information sharing, mutual-operation method and technique etc. 针对异地产品快速设计与开发需求,提出了基于网络环境的分布式虚拟制造系统体系结构,并对分布式虚拟协同设计环境及其信息资源、信息共享与互操作方法、技术等进行了研究。
In modern design and manufacturing, it is emphasized to fast respond to market demand, and to share the design information in corporation even form industry federation. That makes modern design and manufacturing system must have perfect functions of information processing and data management. 在现代化设计制造过程中,不仅强调产品快速响应市场需求,而且强调企业的设计信息共享甚至形成产业联盟,这就使得现代设计制造系统必须具备完善的信息处理和数据管理功能。
Based on the fast developments of information technology and advanced manufacturing philosophic theories like AM? VE, etc, this article provides the thought of technology management system based on Internet against Chinese enterprises'practical demands. 本文基于Internet等信息技术的飞速发展及敏捷制造、虚拟企业等先进制造哲理,针对国内企业的实际需求,提出了基于Internet的技术管理系统这一构想。