Under the IPV Model ( independent private value model ), we analyze the customer bid balancing strategy of single product one mouthful the price in English online auction. 在独立私有估价模型下分析单物品一口价网上英式拍卖中顾客的投标均衡策略。
This paper attempt to prove whether auction by stages can bring higher return using Symmetric independent private value model and finally approved this result. 采用独立私有价值模型,对分阶段拍卖是否带来更高期望回报作了理论推导后发现,两阶段拍卖可以提升拍卖最终成交价。
The value of a company if each of its parts were independent, publicly traded entities. Also called private market value ( PMV ). 以公司各部分为独立,公开交易的实体而得到的公司价值,也叫私有市场价值。
To explore employment recognition method, so as to promote the employment situation of independent college graduates, promote the growth of the independent college, promoting private higher teaching in our country, has a certain practical significance and theoretical value. 旨在探究实现就业认可的方法,以便能推进独立学院毕业生的就业事态,推进独立学院的成长,推进我国民办高等教,具有一定的实践意义和理论价值。