Do check original post, and the discussions available in the rest-discuss group. 请阅读原贴,并可在rest讨论组中进行讨论。
In this case, you're simply creating a bulleted list of entries, with a title ( if there is one ) that links back to the original post and the description for each post. 在这个例子中,只是创建了一个项目符号列表,带有链接回到最初源点的标题(如果有的话)和每个起源的描述。
Be sure to check out Martin Fowlers original post and do share your experiences. 请一定亲自查看MartinFowlers的原文并分享你的经验。
Once those connections are made, try to engage with the original author by replying to their post, that is," retweeting " their original post. 建立好这些连接后,试着通过回帖方式和原作者进行交流、互动。
The original post focused on communications 最初的博客文章重点放在沟通上