Signifying different elevation with different color of grid nodes, grid picture can express all characteristic of terrain in density grid. 网格图是通过网格点的不同颜色表示不同高程的图形。对于网格点稠密的图形,用网格图可以表达出图形的全部特征。
In this paper, Digital Elevation Model ( DEM ) and pseudo color technology combined to form an algorithm for ICT section image display. 在工业CT断层图像缺陷检测应用中,提出了将数字高程模型DEM与伪彩色技术一起应用于二维灰度图像缺陷检测领域的算法流程。
In the elevation design, we pursued personal scale, graceful color, natural materials and fresh graceful style. 建筑造型追求宜人尺度,色调高雅、材料自然、风格清新。
Our researches demonstrate that the incremental contour tree has a great potency to make an improvement in many applications such as terrain identification, building digital elevation models based on contour lines, labeling contour lines automatically, color fill between contour lines and so on. 研究表明,增量等高线树在地形识别、基于等高线建立数字高程模型、等高线高程自动赋值、等值线充填等方面的表现都优于以往等高线树,具有较大的应用潜力。