It is even possible although perhaps only an economist would think it pertinent to calculate the implicit wage loss suffered by us slaves. 我们甚至有可能计算一下美国奴隶的隐性工资损失(WL)不过,或许只有经济学家才会认为这个问题有意义。
Lack of effective scheme of wage and welfare integration and transitional plan lead to rise of staff loss rate and decrease of productivity. 4. 缺乏有效的薪酬福利整合方案和过渡计划,导致企业员工流失率上升,影响企业生产效率。
Analyzing Wage System of Public Hospital in USA and UK Polite Speech and Gradation of Communicative Loss and Benefit 美英两国公立医疗机构职工工资分配制度分析:定位级差和影响因素礼貌语言和损益级差