WebLogic Server(WLS) adds features such as clustering, management, fail-over and reliability. WebLogicServer增加了诸如集群、管理、故障转移和可靠性方面的特性。
Database concurrency strategy causes WebLogic Server(WLS) to delegate locking requests for an entity bean to the underlying datastore. Database并发策略可以使WebLogicServer将对实体bean的锁定请求委派给基础数据存储库。
There is support for editing WebLogic Server(WLS) Web Services annotations using wizards to configure data bindings. 支持使用向导的方式编辑WebLogicServerWebServices的注解,配置数据绑定。
You should configure a connection pool, which is a set of connections with a database, in the WebLogic server with the DB2 database. 您将在WebLogic服务器(WLS)中用DB2数据库来配置一个连接池,这是一组到数据库的连接。
Exclusive concurrency strategy causes WebLogic Server(WLS) to place an exclusive lock on cached entity EJB instances when the bean is associated with a transaction. Exclusive并发策略使得当一个bean与一个事务相关联时,WebLogicServer会在缓存的实体EJB实例上放置一个排他锁。