As one part of the series policy analysis on well-regulated development of drug market, this paper focuses on the situation of lower price drugs substitute for higher price drugs, under the global control policy of excessive increasing drug expenditure. 作为促使药品市场有序发展系列研究之一,该文重点分析了药品费用增长总量控制政策下医院低价药对高价药的替代情况。
He is conversant with market research, industrial structure analysis, business policy analysis, value engineering, resource leveraging and market exploitation using Geographical Information System. 他熟悉市场研发,工业结构和商业政策分析,价值工程运用,资源配置和管理以及运用地理信息系统辅助市场拓展;
In a word, the stock market policy game analysis tries to illustrate that influencing the market might not be a wise choice for government's utility maximization. 从证券市场政策博弈的分析不难发现,政府调控证券市场往往无法实现自身效用的最大化。
These findings have great theoretical and practical significance on the making of the macroeconomic policy, especially on the analysis and forecast of domestic stock market. 这些结论对宏观经济政策的制定,特别是对股票市场的分析和预测具有很大的理论意义和现实意义。
Policy & Measures An Analysis on the Tendency of International Labor Market and Tactical Measures 当前国际劳务市场发展态势及其应对策略