So the players must feel that they have a sure and strong guide. 因此,运动员一定认为他们要有一个确信而强烈的领路人。
The terms and acronyms that arena players can see very odd at times, but this guide should give you an idea of just what players are talking about. 在竞技场中常常有很多奇怪的名词和缩写困惑著玩家们,这篇文章会告诉你,这些玩家们到底在说些什麽。
Players create a dog or cat avatar and receive a spirit guide akin to a Jiminy Cricket or Tinker Bell, but in feline or canine form. 玩家创建一个狗或猫化身,并拥有一位类似于吉米尼蟋蟀(JiminyCricket)或小叮当(TinkerBell)、但形态为猫或狗的精灵向导。