But it does seem as though he has traded in his former business partner for a younger model. 不过,他看上去确实像是用更年轻的才俊取代了曾经的商业伙伴。
It was a subsidiary of Cablevision until spun off as a publicly traded company in July 2011. 这家公司一直是美国有线电视的一家子公司,直到2011年才独立出来,公开上市。
Granted, lots of folks on Wall Street know SUNW, given its status as among the most highly traded stocks in the world ( the SUNW symbol shows up daily in the listings of most highly traded securities ). SUNW是世界上交易频率最高的证券(SUNW这个代码每天都出现在交易频率最高的证券榜中)所以在华尔街是广为人知。
Certain types of depreciable assets, such as automobiles and trucks, sometimes are traded in on new assets of the same kind. 某些种类的可折旧资产,如汽车和卡车等,有时可以置换成同类的新资产。
It is very hard, for example, for western investors to buy Chinese A shares, as opposed to H shares which are traded in Hong Kong and which can be bought by foreigners. 例如,西方投资者很难购买中国A股,他们只能购买在香港上市的H股。