High manufacture costs, long manufacture period and low flexibility of automotive side rail punch obstruct the development of automotive side rail even complete vehicle. New type three-punch operation with high accuracy, short production cycle and more flexibility, side-punch for side rail can accomplish three dimensional. 汽车纵梁冲孔模具投资大、制造周期长、灵活性差,一直制约着汽车纵梁乃至整车的发展,新型纵梁三面冲孔机实现汽车纵梁三维冲制,精度高、生产周期短、灵活性强。
To low drawing in flange part, the blank holder can be used as punch, and the effect is good. 对于凸缘部位的浅拉深,采用压边圈兼作浅拉深凸模的作用,取得较好的效果。
The life of punch is very low in china. However, in order to reduce the manufacture cost, it is the key to increase the life of punch. 国内冲模寿命普遍偏低,提高冲模寿命是降低产品成本的关键环节。